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Thursday, December 8, 2011


We are in Beihai, Guangxi province.  It's an 8 hour car ride to where Oliver is and a 3 hour drive to Nanning, where I met Sydney in 2003.

Today was a very emotional day.  Sydney was excited to see the orphanage she had lived in and to meet 2 of the women who worked with her when she was a baby.  We weren't allowed in the buildings but did get to look in through windows into a large playroom where several babies were playing.  Sydney said she was so glad she came to see it but really glad that she was adopted.
After the orphanage we went to Sydney's finding place which is a very busy market.  There were many vendors selling just about anything. It was almost overwhelmingly busy while we were there.  There certainly isn't the same North American influence we have seen in Beijing and Guangzhou.  At one point, I asked her how she was feeling about all of this and she said lucky.  That's how I feel, too.

In the meantime, Oliver and Aunt Lisa have been doing really well back in Guangzhou.  Sydney and I really miss him and can't wait to get back to see him tomorrow morning.  We leave for the airport at 6 am and should be back to our hotel in Guangzhou by 10 am.

Take care.

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