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Monday, December 5, 2011


Oliver is beautiful!  He did well at the presentation with only a few tears.  He's obviously been held lots...that extra attention boys get in Chinese orphanages!  Sydney was so excited to finally meet him.  He was perfect on the bus ride back and was quite content for about 1 hr.  When we changed his diaper and clothes, he got upset and it took quite some time for him to settle down.  Finally he fell asleep on me at 6:30 pm.  I'm going to let him sleep as long as he can and I'm prepared to be up with him lots in the night.  A little girl in my class gave me a Fisher Price toy which I gave to him when I got him and he hasn't let that thing go...just like Sydney and her plastic keys when I adopted her.
Oliver seems healthy, alert and delightful!  Yes, he's stressed but I was expecting and prepared for that.  Sydney on the other hand, was very concerned because of Oliver being so upset, she laid down and went to sleep and woke up when Oliver fell asleep.  She was happy to see that he had finally stopped crying!  As Oliver gets to know us, it will get easier and easier for him.
The other two babies from our group are beautiful, as well.  They all seem healthy and very well taken care of.
It's been a wonderful day...
PS If you can post this when you get a chance, that would be great.  The rest of the gang is out shopping for Oliver and have their iphones so I can't send you pictures right now.  As soon as I get a chance, I will.

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