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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oliver's first day

Oliver is having a terrific first full day with us!  He, Kari and Sydney had a blast playing together on the rooftop playground at the hotel.  It's so amazing how quickly the little kids know who their family is!  He can already tell Lisa and me apart.  He is really enjoying all of us and we're getting lots of smiles and giggles from him. 
Oliver is having a nap right now and this evening we are going to take him out to buy some pants...his 18 shirts and sleepers fit nicely but his pants fall right off of him.
Tomorrow evening, Sydney, Shelley, Scott, Kari and I are heading to Sydney's province.  On Thursday, we will visit her orphanage and tour her birth city.  We are looking forward to this but can't imagine leaving Oliver...he'll be in good hands with Aunt Lisa, though.
We'll update when we can.
Take care.
:-) Linda

PS from Karen....I know you all are probably dying for photos (I know that I am anyhow), but for some reason the pictures they are sending are not coming through. Hope to get that sorted out soon and will post as soon as we do!


  1. Lolah says "I loves you!" She is experiencing many emotions following your trip.... Your blog is like reading the morning paper...everyone sits around the table and can't wait for the update. Sounds like a wonderful little boy for a wonderful family...
    Love the Shutt's

  2. Hi Linda and Lisa,

    I am so very happy for you. I saw you through a friend on Facebook and the post caught my attention.

    Sarah Hallatt (former McDonalds Co-Workers lol)
