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Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hello Again!

Well, our time in China is going by very quickly.  We just said good bye to Shelley, Scott and Kari...they are leaving a day earlier than planned because of a legal appointment on Friday.  We're sad that they are gone as they have been so much help and we've enjoyed their company throughout our journey.  I wish them a safe and enjoyable flight and we'll see them back in Canada on the weekend. 
Yesterday, we had an adventurous trip to the market.  First, we were taken on a needless tour of Beijing...I had no idea that we were being had but Lisa was here last year and recognized landmarks that were close to where we were going and the driver just kept on going.  Shelley, Scott and Kari got in a cab right behind us at the hotel and arrived at the market a 1/2 hr earlier.  Shelley and I had a similar taxi ride in Beijing 8 yrs ago!
The market was fun...we did lots of bartering and Lisa was definitely the best at it!  Got some good deals but Sydney wasn't impressed with the DS game that just doesn't work...there's lots of junk for sale at the markets!
Oliver had a great time touring in his stroller but didn't move around as much as usual so he had a rough time falling asleep last night.  Once he gets to sleep, he continues to sleep through the night for about 12 hrs.  Oliver is settling down nicely...I'm glad as I was just about to have the spelling of his name changed from Oliver to All Over!  He's very happy and continues to torment Sydney...the novelty is wearing off and she's finding him a bit annoying!  Let the sibling rivalry begin!

This is probably my last post from China...I'll update the blog once we're home and settled.

Thanks for sharing our journey.

Love, Linda

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