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Monday, December 5, 2011

Oliver's first night with mom and big sis!

It's 6:25 am in China and Oliver is still asleep ~ he's slept straight through since 10 pm.  I wasn't expecting him to sleep this well, but I'm not complaining.  Sydney is waiting patiently for him to wake up so that she can play with him.  She just watched a commercial on TV for a product that will help grow hair, she thought that maybe we should get it for Oliver for Christmas!
Today we're off to have the adoption finalized ~ lots of papers to be signed and the Why do you want to adopt? interview.  Just a few more hoops to jump through!  :-)
Shelley, Scott and Kari have all been wonderful with Sydney and Oliver.  Lisa' been great too!  Shelley's gang looked after Sydney yesterday while Lisa helped me exchange money at the Bank of China.  Our group of 3 families took 3.5 hrs to do our transactions.  When I adopted Sydney, I was able to bring US cash, this time all fees had to be paid in Chinese Yuan.  Lisa summed it up very well when we left the bank, consumers are not valued in this economy.
Take care and I'll update again Iwhen I can.  On that note, I should thank my friend Karen who is taking these emails and updating the blog.  Most blogs are blocked in China.  Sydney doesn't really understand this and I've been trying to gently explain it to her...she said she's glad to be here but really glad she lives in Canada.  (I'll be keeping this comment to remind her of this when she's a teenager!)  :-)
Thanks for reading the blog and again, thanks Karen for making this possible.

PS from Karen, "it's my absolute pleasure!" :)

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