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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bejing Part 2

We've had another couple of busy days!  Yesterday we went to Summer Palace, a silk factory, out for lunch and then to see the Olympic Stadium which is nicknamed the Birds' Nest.  Oliver enjoys being busy and really likes touring in his stroller.  Later in the afternoon, Lisa took Sydney to the pool in the hotel and they both really enjoyed a nice swim while I went and filled out paperwork for Oliver's visa.  Sydney, Kari and Scott are going to go swimming again this afternoon.  
This morning, Lisa went with me to Oliver's medical check-up at the international clinic.  The doctor was quite taken with Oliver and said he's doing great!  His height, 80.5 cm, is at the 50th percentile for Canadian children and the 70th percentile for Chinese children .  His weight, 11.4 kg, is at the 55th percentile.  I was confident that everything was okay but it's nice to get the official word that things look great.  The doctor was wonderful, she's a Canadian who studied at McGill and moved here 15 years ago because of her husband's job.  She too is the adoptive mom of a 9 yr old Chinese girl.   The other babies are both doing well although one has a cold and a rash which the doctor feels is allergies.  After the medical, we went back to the Canadian Embassy to drop off the medicals and to declare whether or not we wanted to continue the permanent resident application now that the medicals have been completed.  Just another formality ~ we all said yes!  
Right now, Shelley, Scott, Kari, Lisa and Sydney are out for lunch while Oliver is having a nap...I hear him stirring so I'd better wrap this up.
We're all looking forward to getting home on Friday ~ I can't wait to introduce this character to all of you!

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